Ostscout, Ostroc, and Ostosol are Unseen based on the Regault Tatcial battle pod an odd-looking, armless mecha.Wasp, Stinger, Valkyrie, and Crusader are Unseen based on variants of the Valkyrie Fighter, same as the Phoenix Hawk.Eight originals (Javelin, Assassin, Vulcan, Hatchetman, Phoenix Hawk, Annihilator, Cyclops), three downgrades (Flea, Raven, Crab), and three Unseen (Phoenix Hawk, Rifleman, Archer) are in DLC.Two Unseen, Warhammer and Marauder, will become part of the base game with v1.8.Four Star League downgrades are in the base game.All five non-Macross, non-quadruped Unseen are in the base game.Of 36 original designs, all but nine were in the base game.O: Awesome, Charger, Victor, Zeus, Stalker, Cyclops, Banshee, Atlas U: Ostroc, Ostosol, Rifleman, Thunderbolt, Archer, Crusader, WarHammer, MarauderĬhampion, Lancelot, Bombardier, Exterminator, Guillotine, Black Knight, Flashman

O: Dragon, Quickdraw, Catapult, JagerMech, Gasshopper, Orion U: Phoenix Hawk, Griffin, Shadow Hawk, Scorpion, Wolverine O: Assassin, Cicada, Clint, Hermes II, Vulcan, Whitworth, Blackjack, Hatchetman, Vindicator, Centurion, Enforcer, Hunchback, Trebuchet, Dervish Mercury, Thorn, Mongoose, Hermes, Hussar, Flea*, Raven* O: Locust, Commando, Javelin, Spider, UrbanMech, Jenner, Firestarter, Panther Unseen: Designs with art licensing issues.ĭowngrades: Battlemechs rectonned in from other eras, lostech removed, to fill gaps left by the Unseen.

Honestly, I cannot for the life of me figure out why HBS didn't just do regular mech packs in the 5 - 10 dollar range though I have no idea how many mechs are left in this timeline.